
Receiving a prenatal diagnosis can be an overwhelming experience, filled with many questions and emotions. We're here to support you with essential information and resources to help you understand your diagnosis and navigate the journey ahead.

Doctor showing diagnosis results on laptop screen to a couple in office.

Understanding Test Results

Prenatal genetic diagnostic tests confirm the presence of specific genetic conditions. These tests, such as amniocentesis and chorionic villus sampling (CVS), are highly accurate but also come with certain risks. It's important to understand what your test results mean and how they can impact your pregnancy and your baby's health.

A couple sitting closely on a couch at home, holding hands to show emotional support

Is Diagnosis a Trauma?

A prenatal diagnosis can be a traumatic event for many parents. The emotional impact can be significant, affecting mental health and well-being. It’s crucial to recognize and address these feelings, seek support, and understand that you are not alone. We provide insights into coping mechanisms and support options to help you through this challenging time.

Couple looking at image on screen of laptop at doctor office

Diagnosis List

There are numerous genetic and developmental conditions that can be identified through prenatal testing. Our diagnosis list provides detailed information about various conditions, including symptoms, treatment options, and support resources. This section is a valuable resource for understanding specific diagnoses and preparing for the journey ahead.

Navigating a prenatal diagnosis is challenging, but you don't have to do it alone. Our website offers a wealth of information and support to help you make informed decisions and find the care and assistance you need. Explore the links provided for detailed information on each topic, and reach out to our Parent Care Coordinators for personalized support.